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Healthy Aging for Mind and Body: Hypnotic tools to keep growing

Healthy Aging for Mind and Body: Hypnotic tools to keep growing

What are the consequences of aging?

In 2011, life expectancy in Italy has reached 79,4 years for men and 84,5 for women. Among the countries of the European Union, Sweden has the highest life expectancy for men: 79,6 years. While France and Spain have the highest for women: 85,3 years in both countries.

An active and healthy aging, from both a physical and a mental point of view, is determined since childhood and is built throughout the course of our life.

The quality of our social relations and the pleasure in our private life increase the conservation of our cognitive abilities even at an advance stage of our life.

As we grow old, our brain suffers several biochemical and physiological alterations. In some patients, these changes lead to important effects which translate into a cognitive loss. However, other patients show similar if not better performances compared to younger ones.

The ability to control the use of language and the capability to face difficult problems in uncertain situations, improve with age.

Our approach in a nutshell

Hypnosis and autohypnosis can usefully help patients throughout all the phases of their life, also aiming at placing the proper foundations for a healthy and active aging.

Our Center offers treatments which seek the conservation and the development of one’s mental abilities in order to increase our patients’ personal growth during the course of their life.

Through the analysis of our patients’ medical and familiar background, our specialists shape an idea on what aspects of their history concentrate, in order to offer the best plan of cognitive development and conservation of mental abilities.

Very effective are also treatments on older patients who feel the need to regain clarity of thought, memory and concentration through creative and stimulating ways.

Treatments consist of multiple hypnosis sessions and of the teaching of autohypnosis methods which aim at the improvement of cognitive abilities and of the general well-being state of our patients.

Nicoletta Gava Centro Ipnosi


Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 14
10121 Torino


+39 351.3115701


+39 320.2350523

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