Leading teams: hypnotic and relational tools

Leading teams: hypnotic and relational tools

Is teamwork worth the effort?

Working in cooperative groups promotes learning in both children and adults. It increases concentration, thus reducing errors and boredom when its members are engaged in repetitive tasks.

Usually, people enjoy working in groups, it boosts motivation and favors professional exchange and growth.

The initial team-building phases are crucial and can determine the group’s success or failure. The leader holds a fundamental role in predisposing the right emotional climate.

Relational dynamics that can arise require specific skills to be read and managed.

Hypnotic techniques can be effectively used to manage the atmosphere around workgroups, facilitate communication and conflict management. Leaders can also use them to more easily tune in to the emotional states of team members.

Our approach in a nutshell

Leading teams requires experience and competence. While working in groups can be a fulfilling and enriching experience, conflicts may have noxious effects on the well-being of employees and on the quality of the work itself.

Our approach aims at enhancing the ability to read relational and organizational dynamics. We attribute great importance to the ability to formulate hypotheses and design sustainable interventions that can be deployed in accordance with the group's objectives, schedules and available resources.

In working with groups, hypnotic techniques are very effective at improving the ability to focus the participant’s attention, enhancing emotional intelligence and cognitive performance.

Nicoletta Gava Centro Ipnosi


Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 14
10121 Torino


+39 351.3115701


+39 320.2350523

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